Boomtown! 2020 Award Winners!
A huge congratulations to the team at Altis Property Partners, Sydney Metro Airports and Aware Super for winning the Chairman’s Award for Social Infrastructure at the Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue‘s BoomTown! 2020 Awards for the NSW Police Force Aviation Support Branch project at Bankstown Airport.
This project is yet another example of a high quality project delivered at Bankstown Airport.
The Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue is a not-for-profit community initiative leading a national conversation about Greater Western Sydney. Each year the Dialogue hosts a Summit, a flagship policy and community event, bringing forward innovative ideas for Greater Western Sydney while setting the debate for regional investment, growth, education, health, governance, tourism, arts and social inclusion. This year, the Out There Summit, presented awards for outstanding projects across various categories. We are pleased to announce that for 2020, NSW Police Force Aviation Support Branch Project (PolAir) at Bankstown Airport was the winner of the Chairman’s award.
This purpose built state of the art facility provides enhanced operational efficiencies, allowing the NSW Police to continue to protect and serve the community of NSW through vital police work.
As the Investment and Development Managers, Altis are proud to deliver such a great project. A special mention to all of the consultants involved, supporting such a challenging project, working within the constraints of the aviation zone of Bankstown Airport.